
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Mini-Session Wrap-Up!!! {Child Photographer | North Ga}

I am so blessed! The Spring mini-sessions were a great success! Even though it rained horribly the night before, we did our best to think positive and pray for a dry Saturday! The ground was wet, clouds were in the sky, and the wind was whipping, but the show DID go on, and I am go glad it did!! A huge thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed what ended up being a beautiful day with me! My clients have the most beautiful children - making my job easy :-) Here are a ton  few of my favorite images from the day. Warning, cute overload :-)

This little guy was so happy! Even though it was chilly out, he smiled through his session like a rock star :-)

I was able to photograph these beautiful children last year, and it was so neat to see how much they have grown - so beautiful!

This guy was such a ham - such personality! He was so silly and kept me laughing! He is going to be a heart breaker one day!

O - I loved this little man's hat! He and his sister matched and were just precious!

Would you check out her dimples? And her smile? Too cute! I loved getting smiles from this girl! After she warmed up, she was just too much fun and loved the camera!

This little love was sooo shy!! All the booty shakin, silly jokes, and teasing was soooo worth it to get this little one really laughing by the end of the session!!

No smiles from this precious little girl! She was so serious! But seriously, who needs to smile when your this cute?!

This little girl was the most well-mannered, smiling little girl! She was so excited to be having her pictures taken, and it shows! Isn't she adorable??!

I have photographed this little angel before, but this time - she smiled for me!! She was so happy and I just melt at her little smile!

These two brothers were ALL boy!! I love watching little boys play, so different than little girls! Watching these brothers together was so much fun - and I loved photographing them!

This little family was so precious!! Older brother was so sweet and did so good holding his sister! Such a well-behaved little man, with an adorable little sister!

What a sweet little doll this girl was!! She had such a sweet little smile and has beautiful eyes! Such a treat to be able to watch these babies grow up!

Sweet, sweet sisters!! Little miss was all over the place and much too busy to have her pictures taken! However, older sister much enjoyed being in front of the camera!! I am so glad we got them together for this picture!

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